Are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

31 de January, 2021

Imagine all your senses on alert. Imagine feeling heightened emotions and empathy without limits. These are some of the traits that you can find in a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). The concept emerged in the United States in the 1990s.

Strongly stimulated by the environment, they can absorb life through osmosis and face difficulties managing the avalanche of emotions, thoughts or sensations that invade them. Therefore, they may need to isolate themselves in order to process all the information they receive. They feel different and lonely but they are not. Experts estimate they represent between 20 to 25 percent of the population.

Not all HSP are the same. Some are more sensitive to light, others to noise or odour. Let’s say that they filter reality through the lens of their sensitivity. Endowed with a strong intuition and ease and depth of analysis, they feel the need to create connections and give meaning to life. They are people of causes and interested in topics such as the environment or animals. They can work in the most diverse areas. However, they have a tendency to express sensitivity through art, health communication or teaching. We’re talking about men and women who are also masters of camouflage in an attempt to integrate themselves into an increasingly demanding society.

Some experts argue that HSP is born, others that it is possible to become one through greater awareness and openness to the world.

Be aware, you might find one around you!
