
8 de May, 2020

If you went back in time, what would you do differently? Probably make other choices, especially if with the first ones you made, you did not achieve the desired results. As strange as it may seem, we always make the best choices. This is a principle that we apply consciously or unconsciously in the decision-making process, whether in relation to a job, a person or a product. We evaluate the advantages, the disadvantages, the losses, the gains and we decide based on the elements that we put in the balance. However, this exercise that we do almost automatically does not always allow us to reach our goal. Disillusionment, revolt or sadness can, therefore, take over the emptiness that installs at the end of an equation that we initially thought was simply mathematical. We realize then, that emotion is always present. The frequency of thinking about what we could have done and did not, tends to increase and self-criticism gains strength. As if our inner voice had suddenly awakened from a deep sleep to repeat over and over again what we already knew beforehand with a single objective: to reinforce the idea that we were not up to the task, that once again we have failed.   This is a feeling that, unfortunately, many know. The situation that you are in, at the moment, may be far from ideal, but did it allow you to learn anything? This is a question that, by asking yourself, can completely change your perspective. In fact, we all make the best choices with the information and resources we have available. Can you imagine making the same decisions you did in the past, knowing what you know today? Probably not! And thankfully! It means that you have grown! A growth with ups and downs. There are people you have come across who have somehow added something to your life. Probably, not all of these encounters were happy, but they did help you learn more about yourself. If you have not learned it’s possible that you will have new opportunities to do so! It is a cycle that tends to perpetuate in time until the learning process is completed. So, get to work! Each day represents a new opportunity. Believe in yourself and in your choices!

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