Flexibility & Success

12 de June, 2020

On a scale of 0 to 10, how motivated are you to reach a certain goal? Five, seven, nine? Motivation can resemble a stock exchange. Some days up, some down. Practical “actions” or the lack of them will have a significant impact on the way we manage our internal engine. Motivation and success usually go hand in hand and everyone wants to be successful, regardless of what that meant. For an entrepreneur, success in business, might mean being able to pay wages at the end of the month and for another, a double-digit growth per year, for instance. However, experts believe that there are some points in common when it comes to success. Right from the start, flexibility and resilience. Just think of names like Abraham Lincoln or Steve Jobs that today we recognize by what they have achieved and not so much by the obstacles they have overcome. We all know that there are no easy ways. Believing in our potential can be our biggest challenge when things are not going well. The traditional education system does not prepare us to view failures as a learning curve. Fortunately, this was not a problem for Thomas Edison, author of the famous quote: “I didn’t fail. I just found ten thousand ways that don’t work.” How we look at the result produced depends on us. By seeing error and failure as feedback on our actions, we’re creating the conditions to adjust the strategy drawn up and increase the chances of reaching our goals.

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