Hug me

28 de August, 2020

We hear more and more often about anxiety and distress, as well as the increase in demand for medications to deal with this kind of crisis. We tend to look for a solution, outside ourselves, in order to deal with our daily problems. And there are plenty!

I met Mark recently, a man who told me about a natural antidepressant that he started using, so I got curious! He told me that is usual medication was out of stock at the pharmacy and that he decided to give Hug therapy a try. Are you familiar with this therapy? At some point it must have been part of your life, at least I hope so. The good news is that giving a hug is not just a way of communicating or showing affection. Its also a way to reduce anxiety and strengthening our immune system.

Several studies show that a hug releases oxytocin, also known as the hormone of happiness. It is something that is present in our life from an early age. Experts point out that premature babies, for instance, tend to gain weight once they are touched. By hugging, we feel more connected to each other, more secure, calm and inspired.

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, United States, concluded that people who give hugs are more protected, for example, against the flu and viruses that appear in winter. Here’s a tip for those who haven’t tried it yet and are curious. The dose varies according with the person but it is worth reflecting upon this! How long has it been since you hugged someone?

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