To change our reality

31 de October, 2020

Experts estimate that the average person has about 60 000 thoughts a day, most of which related to a problem occurred in the past. And it´s easy to understand why. Our mind loves to tell itself stories and to save energy. That means, it favours logical and quick answers, as well as a good story to provide a feeling of comfort and security. The only issue here is that the internal narrative is not always true. Hence the need to free ourselves from our old lenses and to redefine the meaning of what is true and real.

The power of the mind is infinite and it´s available to all of us. Recent studies show that we have the power to change our brain and our body with a single thought. Quantum physics explains that our energy goes where we put our attention. In general, we tend to think of something that didn’t go well or that we didn’t like too much. Well, if most of us are brooding over these thoughts, seven days a week, 365 days a year, it’s easy to imagine the impact this can have on our lives. The worst thing is that we do it almost automatically. We learn to function in a certain way and we tend to repeat the pattern.

By the way, on what or who is your attention focused on right now?

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