Words Impact

7 de July, 2020

Children believe in what they hear. Phrases such as “you are so smart” or “so brave” can therefore act as a positive lever if they are uttered and / or repeated by a person taken as a reference or close to them. Likewise, phrases like “you are so dumb” can have the opposite effect. In fact, what is at stake is not the intellectual capacities of the children but the effects that different messages might have. This is a process that happens, mostly, in an unconscious way. We all have what we call limiting beliefs that make us think that we are not good enough, beautiful or capable of achieving certain goals. But how did these beliefs come about that prevent us from moving forward? Family, friends, teachers? More important than identifying the origin, is to be aware of what limits us and the power of words. The way we communicate with ourselves and with others says a lot about the person we are. We are constantly changing and it is up to each of us to decide what behavior we want to adopt or drop. Limiting words trigger limiting thoughts and emotions. So stay tuned to what you say to yourself, what you believe in and how you feel. Ask yourself if this is a pattern you want to maintain. The change begins inside. However, it is through the adoption of new behavior that results are achieved. It all starts with the first step, a small step.

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