Your Shadow Self

28 de February, 2021

What person would you be without your shadow side? Every day I we are invited to deal whether consciously or unconsciously with the dark side in each of us, which does not always make us proud. Certain words, thoughts or the way we act at times might make us want to bury our heads in the sand. We may not recognize it publicly, but we know that this shadow side is there. Sometimes the feedback comes from people around due to our temperament or our unreasonable personality. They lead us to think about the possibility of having a manufacturing defect.

Lockdown made this sensation appear often. We finally understand we are not perfect. Because of the circumstances, we are forced to reevaluate the way we see ourselves and the image we project outside. Feedback tends to reinforce the feeling of imperfection. The conclusion is we are perfect in our imperfection. We can certainly improve if we decide to go down that path. Personal growth is inevitable regardless of the choice we make. Regarding our dark side, it is part of us. The unit is a sum of parts and not of the qualities. These could not exist without their opposite. What happens when we take quality to the extreme? It becomes a defect. It is this scale that allows us to find what we consider to be pleasant or not. Removing one of the dishes from the scale will prevent anything from being weighed.

Our shadow does not exist without our light and vice versa. Both sides complement each other and are necessary to find balance and unity.




