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January 15, 2023

Add Your Creativity To The World

Creativity is not a function of intelligence or skill but rather the power of the human mind to combine divergent thoughts in new ways...

April 30, 2022

A leap into de unknown

How many times have you jumped without a parachute? Perhaps more often than you  could ever imagine. A marriage or a divorce, the choice to have children...

March 31, 2021

Regeneration through food deprivation?

It is an ancient practice associated with the detoxification of the mind and the body. Fasting is gaining an increasing number of supporters worldwide...

February 28, 2021

Your Shadow Self

What person would you be without your shadow side? Every day I we are invited to deal whether consciously or unconsciously with the dark side in each of us, which does not always make us proud....

January 31, 2021

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

Imagine all your senses on alert. Imagine feeling heightened emotions and empathy without limits. These are some of the traits that you can find in a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)....

November 30, 2020

Learning how to live without Certainty

I’ve said goodbye to Certainty, but I didn't want to let her go. Call me selfish, if you want. Truth is, I was not ready to release my best friend....

October 31, 2020

To change our reality

Experts estimate that the average person has about 60 000 thoughts a day, most of which related to a problem occurred in the past...

September 30, 2020

Rich and happy?

Have you ever heard about GNH, Gross National Happiness? The concept was popularised in the 70s by the king Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan, which is considered one of the happiest countries in the world....

August 28, 2020

Hug me

We hear more and more often about anxiety and distress, as well as the increase in demand for medications to deal with this kind of crisis. We tend to look for a solution, outside ourselves, in order to deal...

July 7, 2020

Words Impact

Children believe in what they hear. Phrases such as "you are so smart" or "so brave" can therefore act as a positive lever if they are uttered and / or repeated by a person taken as a reference or close to them....
